Most companies completed their transition from
- the Covid era to business-as-usual mode
- post-covid repositioning of the applicable corporate positions.
- GRC officers and IT departments must continue to identify the need to make technology genuinely secure and ensure it benefits the IT structures and processes
Here we provide a snapshot of the 2022 events and a review of the currently planned privacy, technology, governance, and risk management initiatives across all trades for 2023.
We thank the 5000+ dedicated and committed GRC and IT Security enthusiasts. 100 + speakers and experts for their support and dialogues in 18 international GRC and IT security events, ten global GDPR, Data Privacy and Data Protection events and multiple newsletters and articles to promote progress in regulatory compliance, reporting and disclosure of corporate infrastructure to modernise the corporate compliance agenda
In 2022 our global footprint has expanded to more than 150 jurisdictions. We conducted 18 international GRC and IT security events, ten global GDPR, Data Privacy and Data Protection events and multiple newsletters and articles to promote progress in regulatory compliance, reporting and disclosure of corporate infrastructure to modernise the corporate compliance agenda.
Readiness is all it takes
The SEC, DoJ, the UK Chancellor and the EU oversight authorities continue to release a laundry list of regulatory reforms and mandates (ADPPA, CPRA, CDPA, CSRD, EU-US DPF, CTDPA, UCPA, SFDR, EU DSA, DMA, OMG the list increases…) that will fundamentally change the compliance landscape and (over) burden the corporate governance, risk management, compliance, and IT departments for the coming years. So be prepared and get appropriate guidance, views, and templates from experts with hands-on experience in the respective field.
From all of us at the Copenhagen Compliance Group to all of you, we wish you a happy Christmas and a strong GRC and IT security new year.