Why you must attend the online13th annual European GRC/GDPR Summit

The AB…..Z of why you must attend the FREE online 13th annual European GRC/GDPR Summit as a webinar on the 9th November 2020.

 The 13th annual  European Data Privacy, Data Protection, GDPR/GRC and IT Security Summit will guide the right amount of due diligence on the GDPR/GRC components to prevent or limit future corporate calamities. Each presentation aims to avoid further distrust in globalisation (Corona), digitisation (Cyber threats) and the global development (lack of growth) of business and financial markets.

Most global companies must continue to establish GDPR, Data Privacy, Data Protection, IT- and cybersecurity processes together with good governance, risk management, compliance (GRC) and IT security policies and procedures.

However, the continued lack of growth in the aftermath of the global financial and credit crisis, and now the required corporate resurrection when the Corona dust settles down, demands an update, or a ‘fourth wave’ of the GRC/GDPR intelligence based on the new global structures for added performance.

Participate at the 13th annual GRC/GDPR Summit as a webinar on the 9th November 2020 to get guidance on the right way to implement the update(s) builds on the GRC3 process based on the GDPR/GRC components of Ethics and Integrity;

  • Activate in a stakeholder and customer-focused approach to GDPR/GRC issues
  • Build sustainable conduct metrics with a dynamic roadmap and framework
  • Consistency and discipline in monitoring and addressing lousy behaviour in global operations
  • Define the actual comprehensive and overall GDPR/GRC conduct and what it should be for the business
  • Embed GDPR/GRC metrics in processes that build transparency, responsibility and oversight
  • Form a coherent approach to managing conduct enterprise risk management on a global level
  • Guarantee that all 3rd parties are accountable for proper compliance and code-of-conduct
  • The healthy and embedded structure is the key to the success of an ethical code-of-conduct
  • Important to articulate the GRC progress as well as the direction of the GDPR/GRC journey
  • The journey starts by evidencing the GRC monitoring, reporting and communicating conduct risk
  • KPI’s can raise ethics and culture so that suitable practice becomes the norm
  • Lift staff to act in the long-term interests of your organisation by treating your consumers fairly to achieve better customer loyalty
  • Measure, manage, monitor and report the qualitative and quantitative elements of GDPR/GRC behaviour
  • Narrow the GRC training to enable staff to make the right GRC choice from product development to enhancing revenues and values
  • Outline the GRC objectives that are the key to the success of the stakeholders and business
  • Promote ethical behaviour and provide incentives so that proactive managers can make appropriate cultural changes
  • Quality is the key to all change management and monitoring of corporate cultural expression that drives positive GDPR/GRC outcomes
  • The responsibility of each firm to determine what good behaviour means in the context of their own business and is, therefore, vital to get right.
  • Response on how to avoid a one-size-fits-all code-of-conduct
  • Safeguard that your corporate governance sets a clear tone from the top setting out core values and expectations
  • The GRC culture of any organisation drives the actions of management and staff
  • Use and maintain high GRC standards, keep the team motivated and engaged for outcomes delivered to all customers and stakeholders.
  • Vital corporate cases where monitoring and GDPR/GRC response is not embedded across all operations and organisational levels
  • Working towards GRC superiority to secure a consistent approach to code-of-conduct and best practices.
  • Xenoculture to encourage staff diversity and equality to act with integrity obtaining good overall practices
  • Yield for valuable GRC projections for both stakeholders and regulators for monitoring and reporting processes
  • Zero tolerance on GDPR/GRC non-consistency at all levels of the organisation

For more information see: https://www.copenhagencompliance.com/grcassembly/mailer/index.html

For the agenda see: https://www.copenhagencompliance.com/grcassembly/agenda.htm

For free registration: https://www.e-compliance.academy/13th-annual-grc-summit-registration-form/



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