It seems that many governance professionals are addressing the EU directive on Sustainable Corporate Governance to ensure that companies create long-term social value and the current state of global corporate governance that focuses on beneficial Owners, Board of Directors, Chairmen, CEOs, and stakeholders of businesses.

At the Global Corporate Governance Day on the 17th of September, participants will receive structured, hands-on guidance on the system of corporate governance with relevant topics related to the roles, company structure, and the Governance environment in the organisation from Officers from HSBC Bank, International Corporate Governance Network, Eurizon Capital, Akademias, Institute of Directors, Danske Bank, and members of the board of directors in global companies from five continents.

Current challenges related to Sustainable Corporate Governance are related to good governance solutions and services from the GRC toolbox instead of an instant transformation. Some examples:

  1. Non-compliance to multiple Good Governance components in the most dreadful cases results in reckless negligence or breach, which is a convincing justification for updating the good governance processes.
  2. Obsession on statutory or contractual requirements for processing Good Governance components often results in unethical governance processes for regulatory enforcement.
  3. Focusing on IT Governance for confidentiality and integrity principle to fulfil obligations around rights or fairness of IT and cybersecurity
  4. It is all about finding the good governance in compliance like maturity, assurance, quality and effectiveness rather than check the box compliance
  5. How can good governance shift key decision-making powers from the board to shareholders and give a right to identify shareholders to financial intermediaries?
  6. Board Governance and Emerging Risks. How can directors and risk managers meet the challenge of emerging risks and get ready for a digitalised corporate data transformation?
  7. What the challenges that the digital economy causes on corporates’ strategy and boards.
  8. How to measure the progress of the digital business capabilities, digital leadership capabilities and respondent’s leadership capabilities.
  9. Digitisation and Transparency – transforming the future of corporate governance?
  10. The impact on the broader corporate governance concerning capital markets Transparency on-going improvements and digitalisation processes of the governance as a competitive advantage.

Register  at the Global Governance Day on the 17th of September 2021 to find the emerging trends and innovations use of digitalisation as well as topical issues for investors, Boards, and audit committees.