Compliance has traditionally been the driving factor behind many corporate culture management initiatives within the company. However, if risk management and compliance are approached from corporate culture perspectives, the scope of various layers of regulatory compliance can be overwhelming and managed by the available resources.

The first review of the applicable corporate culture is often based on your geographic location, regulations, and local jurisdictions. Later the additional territories you operate in, the industry-specific trade rules apply to your operations, and the context and corporate initiatives that can help develop and support the business objectives of the corporate culture.

Use Compliance Regulations for External Context

Most enterprise-level businesses have dedicated research to identify applicable regulations and proactively address the corporate culture that is a critical component to understand the potential impact on your business and the severity of any particular cultural activity in the organisation.

These research solutions can track and monitor the regulatory actions and how management uses the information to unify risk and compliance efforts? For example, leveraging readily available information to select an appropriate risk score, prioritise remediation efforts, or potentially apply cost-benefit analysis on the best path forward for your business to enhance the corporate culture.

Balancing Corporate culture to Risk and Compliance

Beyond regulation, there can be additional that conduct the company culture to foster positive business outcomes, e.g. IT and cybersecurity with the digital presence in data discipline and IT integrity in systems and a pro-active IT Risk Management program.

Take a Risk-Based Approach

The corporate culture landscape is shifting with new initiatives changing the perspective of how companies are measured today. Ethics and corporate social responsibility are top of mind for board members and executive teams. Ensuring that operations are well intended and cause minimal harm

Leading companies who have successfully implemented and changed their operations’ culture to this way find that this translates into an umbrella safeguard addressing the majority of their compliance and risk obligations.

At the Global Corporate Culture Day on the 21st of October 2021, we review and develop corporate culture as a set of well-defined attitudes, values, beliefs, goals, with particular characteristics to create a gratifying working environment for all stakeholders.