GDPR online Follow-up/Refresher Certification Course

The e-compliance academy offers this flexible online refresher course to renew your current certification after two years of the given exams. The course will further provide you with new inspiration for the GDPR and other global mandates, Personal Data Act, IT Governance, IT- and Cybersecurity and Governance, Risk Management and Compliance topics. Participate from home […]

Critique of the proposed EU directive on Sustainable Management

The primary criticism is that the original report and the subsequent paper that will form the directive does not comply with the EU principle of subsidiarity (EU legislation to solve a problem if the Member States cannot solve the problem themselves) and that there are multiple unserious proposals on sustainability and that the initiatives must […]

The invalidation of the criticised Privacy Shield was required.

The Schrems II judgment was projected, and some believe even long overdue, as strengthening the standard of data protection, data transfers, the proactive role of oversight authorities and the affirmation of data subject and data protection rights are at the core of the GDPR. However, the judgment was practical in its approach as it upheld […]

What are the typical IT and cybersecurity vulnerabilities across all industries?

Historically, IT and cybersecurity have mainly been focused on securing IT components, such as data, processes, IT services, servers, networks, etc. However, if the employee is the weakest link in the IT and cybersecurity chain, organisations must emphasizes the importance of identity, access management, passwords and patches. In a recent penetration testing against organisations in […]

In our training events, the participants retain 90 per cent of what they go through as reference material for future implementations

In our training events, the participants retain 90 per cent of what they go through as reference material for future implementations The Difference between Training and Learning from e-Compliance Academy certification courses: We provide an e-learning platform to enhance the organisation’s ability to learn so that the participants can translate that learning into actions under […]

Do you need a flexible e-learning platform to access compliance insight material any time?

In a fast-pacing, technology-oriented world, and the ever-increasing need to be updated on the many Compliance mandates, E-Compliance Academy together with The EUGDPR Institute and Information-Security Institute  provides the options to integrate technology and knowledge in support of continued professional education. All our GDPR, Data Privacy, Data Security IT and Cybersecurity online certification masterclass seminars […]

The payback time for the global privacy neglect from Facebook

Advertisers are boycotting FB Oversight authorities levy multiple fines for Data Privacy and Data Protections violations governments want to regulate social media platforms. Human rights groups worry that such laws could give sweeping powers to the government to disregard user privacy and turn the platforms into agents of the governments The above four issues are […]

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