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GDPR Compliance

The invalidation of the criticised Privacy Shield was required.

The Schrems II judgment was projected, and some believe even long overdue, as strengthening the standard of data protection, data transfers, the proactive role of oversight authorities and the affirmation of data subject and data protection rights are at the core of the GDPR. However, the judgment was practical in its approach as it upheld […]

Risk Matrix To Reset Or Update Governance, Risk Management, Compliance (GRC) And IT Security Mandates

Board members, senior management and CxO and GRC Officers must develop the tools to navigate the current rather exceptional uncertainty levels. Post-Covid and Trump-era require that the global business landscape provide a collective response to accelerate globalisation, develop frameworks for digitisation, a proliferation of technology and address sustainability, climate change and biodiversity issues. To be […]

Events and Webinar

Coverletter for the February 2021 Newsletter

Dear Friends, These are not normal times. Implementing proper IT Governance is essential. All companies must tighten up their cyber-security protocols for their remote workforce. In the past, the conventional wisdom on cyber-security was to play defence and respond quickly to breaches. The new policy is to be proactive, conduct scenario planning exercises and ensure […]


The Board of Directors (BoD), Senior Management and CxO must provide the confidence and stability and take the appropriate level of IT Governance that includes the components of Risk Management, and compliance to comply with all IT- and Cybersecurity, Data Privacy, Data Protection, issues and processes. In many (new) compliance mandates there is an explicit […]

Schrems II experience for Taking Actionable Steps to make a Data Transfer Roadmap

The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) identified five legal use cases and Two Schrems II Unlawful Use Cases, in the recently released Schrems II Guidance 01/2020. Organisations have been eagerly awaiting this guidance, particularly concerning what kinds of additional safeguards could be applied to data to allow cloud processing and global data transfers to continue […]

Management, minds and thoughts

Risk Matrix To Reset Or Update Governance, Risk Management, Compliance (GRC) And IT Security Mandates

Board members, senior management and CxO and GRC Officers must develop the tools to navigate the current rather exceptional uncertainty levels. Post-Covid and Trump-era require that the global business landscape provide a collective response to accelerate globalisation, develop frameworks for digitisation, a proliferation of technology and address sustainability, climate change and biodiversity issues. To be […]

How to address the Dissimilarities between GDPR and Blockchain

The complexities of GDPR both in implementation and enforcement means that old technologies and internal legacy systems with inundated IT platforms cannot solve the GDPR complexities. With the emerging blockchain technologies, there are new avenues to further strengthen data-ownership, transparency and trust between entities and to address the most critical GDPR issues. However specific components […]

Governance, managing and controls

The Corona pandemic and a corporate non-compliance or cybersecurity breach

All companies and governments are confronted with Hobson’s choice dilemma: risk the virus infection spreading to the entire corporate system as it has in most countries, or impose an unprecedented quarter total lockdown causing tremendous financial-, socio-, and economic disruption. Every country and business in the world is struggling the novel corona-virus and cybersecurity in […]

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