The Board of Directors (BoD), Senior Management and CxO must provide the confidence and stability and take the appropriate level of IT Governance that includes the components of Risk Management, and compliance to comply with all IT- and Cybersecurity, Data Privacy, Data Protection, issues and processes. In many (new) compliance mandates there is an explicit […]

The invalidation of the criticised Privacy Shield was required.  

The Schrems II judgment was anticipated, with the belief that it was long overdue. Strengthening the standard of data protection, data transfers, the proactive role of oversight authorities and the affirmation of data subject and data protection rights are at the core of the GDPR. However, the judgment was practical in its approach as it […]

Risk Matrix To Reset Or Update Governance, Risk Management, Compliance (GRC) And IT Security Mandates

Board members, senior management and CxO and GRC Officers must develop the tools to navigate the current rather exceptional uncertainty levels. Post-Covid and Trump-era require that the global business landscape provide a collective response to accelerate globalisation, develop frameworks for digitisation, a proliferation of technology and address sustainability, climate change and biodiversity issues. To be […]

Critique of the proposed EU directive on Sustainable Management

The primary criticism is that the original report and the subsequent paper that will form the directive does not comply with the EU principle of subsidiarity (EU legislation to solve a problem if the Member States cannot solve the problem themselves) and that there are multiple unserious proposals on sustainability and that the initiatives must […]

Consequences of COVID is here to stay for a while before it is business as usual

Businesses must continue to adapt to respond and customise the challenges of COVID-19. All companies must continue to identify the changed tasks, adjust the approach to reflect the changing circumstances during these unprecedented times. Our encouragement focuses firmly on enabling innovation as gone are the days when GRC, IT security or data protection regulation was […]

First online dialogue

We look forward to the pleasure of having you at a fireside chat for a series of unique virtual sessions – the “Directors Discourse on Development, Direction and Decision Drives:” to update  on the many roles, responsibilities, obligations and to enhance the success of the members of the board of directors. The Directors’ Dialogue for […]

Directors Dialog

The global corporate shakeup after the financial- and credit crisis, globalization, data transformation and digitisation requirement and finally the Corona crisis has impaired the functioning of the interrelated systems of Global Good Governance, Risk Management, Compliance, and IT Security components. These rapid global changes require a new approach from the Board of Directors and senior […]

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